Fun, affordable, & effective personal training right in your home!
Additional Programs Offered Include
New this summer:
Register now!
I'll work within your budget to buy everything you'll need for an effective home fitness program.
I will then provide an in-home demonstration on how to use the equipment, and how to perform each exercise so that you can achieve the results that you want.
I will leave you with a workout plan that you can easily follow independantly.
Most women can get started with less than $100 worth of equipment!
Unfortunately, men usually require more weights which leads to a higher cost.
After the initial visit you may choose to follow up on a monthly basis with either a consultation or a training session. In any case, we will discuss how your exercise program is developing and I will modify your program based on your progress.
Home Fitness: Start-Up Package
Consultation, equipment selection, in-home demonstration, and customized workout plan .............................$200
follow up training session .............................$75
follow up consultation (by phone or email) .............................$30
Orientation Program
Corporate Fitness Centers
Community Fitness Centers
Townhouse & Condo Residents
Have a fitness center in your community but don't know how to use the equipment?
I'll meet with you for up to two hours to demonstrate how each piece of equipment is used. We'll discuss the purpose of each exercise & you'll learn which muscle groups are being worked. You will also learn how to operate the equipment in the safest & most productive manner. There will be time for demonstration and practice on each piece of equipment, I may even suggest exercises that don't require any equipment, in order to provide you with a complete program.
After the orientation program you will be well equipped to use the fitness center on your own. You will have an exercise program to follow that is specifically based on your fitness goals. Equally as important, you'll be confident in the fact that you're at less of a risk for injury because you are performing the exercises properly.
Youth Soccer - Training Program
Have fun playing games and working on drills which focus on the skills needed for soccer.
Meet with teammates at the park to improve soccer skills and develop a sense of teamwork.
Burn lots of calories while you develop speed, endurance, & strength.
- warm up & stretching specific for cycling,
(with optional stops for other forms of exercise)
- cool down & post ride stretch
The cycling expedition can be purchased independantly or it may be incorporated into any training package.
Get out & enjoy a refreshing bike ride through the park.
Sport Specific Training
Bring your game to the next level with drills and exercises specifically geared towards your sport.
Get stronger...

Get faster...
Increase your success on the field.
improve your reaction time & agility.
Develop more endurance.
We can meet at the park or use your school field.
for individuals or small groups
Competition is minimized, while children are encouraged to focus on individual development.
Perfect as an introduction to the game or as a supplement to regular soccer practice.
Also a great idea to reinforce and maintain soccer skills during the off-season.
Minimum group size: 6 children
$100 per child
includes 6 training sessions
Children can be expected to gain confidence from heightened self-esteem, as well as improved athletic abilities.
High School
Avoid the Freshman 15
Stay active at school!
Whether you want to look great
for spring break
you're looking to step up your game & compete on the next level
I'll make it happen!
I offer group discounts & flexible payment options
to make training more affordable for all students.
measure strength in the:

- upper body

- lower body

- abdominals
measure aerobic endurance
electronic body fat analysis
measure weight
photos may also be taken to document & track success
A complimentary fitness analysis is offered to all new clients. It can be used to establish the appropriate starting point for your training program & it also serves as a basis for tracking your success.
Upon request, regular clients may incorporate the fitness analysis into a training session at any time.
My rates are posted online, e-mail me for access to the link.
Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, serving Northern New Jersey since 1997.
Providing In home personal training throughout Northern NJ.
Call or text 973.479.6035